To establish a rapid and accurate authenticity identification technology, simple sequence repeats (SSR) fluorescent labeling technology was applied in constructing the fingerprint database of hop varieties. In TP-M13-SSR , M13 tail sequence was used as a universal adaptor to the SSR forward primer, only the M13 universal primer was fluorescently labeled, and the amplification products of different primers were detected by capillary electrophoresis. Four pairs of primers with the best polymorphism and combination of primers were screened from 103 candidates. A total of 28 alleles were detected in 18 hop varieties, and each pair of primers produced 3-11 allele fragments with an average of 7.0. The authenticity identification of 18 domestic and international hop varieties could be achieved by the 4 pairs of primers. The method is fast and accurate, which can provide a technical support for hop cultivation, processing and procurement, as well as protection of new varieties.
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