Aiming at optimizing the dose of electron beam irradiation to prolong the shelf life, the sweet cherries were treated by electron beam irradiation with doses of 0.0, 1.05, 1.90, 2.31, 2.41 and 2.83 kGy. The indicators of the samples stored at 2°C to 4 °C were determined every 15 days randomly. The results showed that the electron beam irradiation could reduce the rotting rate of sweet cherry, inhibit the growth of bacteria and maintain the contents of anthocyanins, total phenols, soluble solids and total sugar. The 2.31 kGy and 2.41 kGy of electron beam irradiation could prolong the storage period of sweet cherry to 30-45 days in cold storage, with a good commodity rate. This study provides a reference for effectively maintaining the quality of sweet cherry and prolonging the shelf life.
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