Preparation of high purity crystalline maltol by three-component chromatography

  • ZHANG Qianfeng ,
  • WANG Zhaoguang
  • Shandong Zhaoguang Separation Technology Co., LTD, Zouping 256200, China

Online published: 2019-12-20


Three component chromatographic separation technolog is a new technology which is improved and upgraded on the basis of two-component chromatographi. To prepare high purity crystalline maltos. Can increase the purity of liquid maltose from 85 % to more than 95 %,It is then crystallized to produce high-purity crystalline maltose products.Compared to traditional crafts,Using this highly efficient separation technology,After separation by chromatography,Three separate products can be obtained; It not only guarantees the purity and quality of the main product,And it can fundamentally solve the problem of the accumulation of miscellaneous alcohols.Finally,the purpose of optimizing the whole production process is realized;Because this technology has less chromatographic water consumption、High purity of products、The characteristic of high crystal yield,Therefore, A new process for preparing high-purity crystalline maltose was developed.

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ZHANG Qianfeng , WANG Zhaoguang . Preparation of high purity crystalline maltol by three-component chromatography[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(20) : 237 -241 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022096


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