Establish comprehensive quality standard of fresh Liangpi based on sensory evaluation combined with fuzzy mathematics

  • LIN Zhitong ,
  • ZHANG Dongxia ,
  • LEI Wen ,
  • HUANG Siyu ,
  • ZHONG Geng
  • (College of Food Science, Southwest University,Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2019-09-21

  Online published: 2020-05-19


To explore the establishment of quality evaluation standards for fresh Liangpi, six kinds of starches were used to make fresh Liangpi in this study. The effects of different starches on the texture, sensory, color difference and physical and chemical properties of Liangpi quality were analyzed by fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation method and principal component analysis method. The starch type and the sensory quality index data of the Liangpi were evaluated, and the standard for evaluating the quality of the fresh Liangpi was established by using the commercially available Liangpi as a control. The test results showed that the fresh Liangpi made of wheat starch, canna starch and pea starch was good in sensory quality. The indexes for evaluating the sensory quality of Liangpi are summarized as follows: texture: hardness 1 541.18-1 650.038 g, adhesiveness: -0.232--0.094, springiness: 1.863-2.054, cohesiveness 0.818-0.911, gumminess 1 261.951-1 501.770, chewiness: 2 593.217-2 795.915, resilience 0.377-0.539; color: L value: 41.595-45.812, a: -0.435--0.396, b: -6.538--2.780, WI: 41.229~45.739. This study can provide a reference for the evaluation of fresh Liangpi evaluation and sensory evaluation data, and the establishment of traditional food standardization.

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LIN Zhitong , ZHANG Dongxia , LEI Wen , HUANG Siyu , ZHONG Geng . Establish comprehensive quality standard of fresh Liangpi based on sensory evaluation combined with fuzzy mathematics[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(7) : 225 -233 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022323


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