Preparation and physical and chemical properties of Bifidobacterium microcapsules

  • LI Zuomei ,
  • XU Xiaoyun ,
  • LIU Qi
  • 1(College of Food and Biotechnology Engineering, Bengbu University, Bengbu 233000, China)
    2(College of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027,China)

Received date: 2019-09-26

  Online published: 2020-04-24


The aim of this study was to better exert the effects of Bifidobacterium on human health. The mixed solution of Bifidobacterium and oligofructose was used as the core material, sodium alginate and whey protein were used as wall materials, and Bifidobacterium microcapsules were prepared by endogenous emulsification. The embedding rate of wet capsules was used as an evaluation index, and the optimal conditions for preparation of Bifidobacterium microcapsules were determined by single factor and response surface tests. The experiment results showed that when the concentration of sodium alginate was 2 %, the mass ratio of whey protein to sodium alginate was 2:1, the mass ratio of calcium carbonate to sodium alginate was 1:2, the volume ratio of water phase to oil phase was 2:5, and the glacial acetic acid was 400 μL, the moment embedding rate of the Bifidobacterium wet microcapsules can reach a maximum of 81.15%. The wet capsules obtained under the optimal process conditions were freeze-dried to make dry capsules, and tested for tolerance to gastric acid and bile salt and intestinal release and digestive system, using the free bacteria as the control group. After the experiment of simulated digestive juice, it was found that the number of live bacteria per milliliter was higher than that of free bacteria. The result showed that, the physical and chemical properties of Bifidobacterium microcapsules prepared by optimized strip were better than that of free bacteria.

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LI Zuomei , XU Xiaoyun , LIU Qi . Preparation and physical and chemical properties of Bifidobacterium microcapsules[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(6) : 155 -162 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022390


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