The removal of hazardous substances from honey is beneficial for the utilization in food processing or other fields, which will contribute to realize the resource reuse effectively. By virtue of macroporous resin adsorption technology, the effects of resin type and process conditions on the removal of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) from 5-HMF positive honey sample were investigated, and the physicochemical indexes and phenolic ingredients of honey before and after resin adsorption were analyzed, as well as the macroporous resin applicability to different types of honey. The results showed that weak polar resin was suitable for removing 5-HMF from honey, among which LSI-3 resin had the best removal effect. Reducing temperature, increasing resin content and prolonging adsorption time contributed to 5-HMF removal, and the removal rate reached 62.49% under the optimum adsorption condition of 25 ℃, 44 g/kg resin content and 80 min for LSI-3 resin. In addition, LSI-3 resin adsorption did not significantly affect the conductivity, pH and total reducing sugar content of honey, but the amylase value decreased slightly, and phenolic components decreased obviously, showing a good applicability for removing 5-HMF from different kinds of honey. This provides a new approach for treatment of honey with high 5-HMF content.
WANG Yuxiang
ZHANG Jinjin
SUN Jing
. Removal of hydroxymethylfurfural from honey[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(21)
: 167
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021446
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