This study was aimed to take full advantage of citrus resource with the increase of added value and reduced environment pollution. The fermenting condition of sweet orange pulp wine was optimized using the pulp residue from sweet orange after juicing, and the quality of fermented wine was compared with fruit juice. Sensory score, flavonoids and total phenols content were taken as the response values. The response surface analysis was carried out using Box-Behnken central combination design to establish a mathematical model and determine the optimal fermentation conditions. The optimal fermentation condition of 0.19% yeast inoculation at 30 ℃ and 23.5% initial sugar content resulted in 119.10 mg/L flavonoids content, 383.54 mg/L phenols content and sensory score of 80.12. Overall, wines fermented with sweet orange pulp residue had higher contents of phenol than those produced from juice, as well as strong flavor, good color and taste. It not only had typical citrus flavor, but also retained flavonoids and other nutrients in the pulp residue. The research has shown that pulp residue fermented wine can help improve the quality of sweet orange fruit wine and lay the foundation of industrial production.
ZHU Xiajian
TAN Anqun
FAN Jiaying
LI Zeling
YI Xin
LI Guijie
TAN Xiang
HUANG Linhua
. Optimization of process conditions and quality analysis of fermented winewith sweet orange pulp residue[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(21)
: 207
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020813
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