Bacteriocin synthesized by lactic acid bacteria and its' effect on gut microbiota

  • WANG Gang ,
  • ZHU Huiyue ,
  • YU Yunxia ,
  • ZHAO Jianxin ,
  • ZHANG Hao ,
  • CHEN Wei
  • School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China

Received date: 2019-07-05

  Online published: 2019-11-15


Bacteriocin is a kind of antibacterial peptide synthesized by bacterial ribosomes, which is a hotspot in many fields such as food and medicine. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been used in food for a long time and is generally considered to be a kind of safe bacteria promoting intestinal health. Therefore, bacteriocin, which can be synthesized by LAB, has great potential for practical application. In recent years, people's attention to intestinal flora has been increasing. With the wide application of LAB and the continuous exploration of its probiotic mechanism, the research on the influence of bacteriocins synthesized by LAB on gut microbiota shows great significance. Based on the relevant research progress, this review expounds the classification, characteristic, application of bacteriocin in LAB and its' influence on gut microbiota, in order to lay the foundation for the development and utilization of functional LAB and bacteriocin.

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WANG Gang , ZHU Huiyue , YU Yunxia , ZHAO Jianxin , ZHANG Hao , CHEN Wei . Bacteriocin synthesized by lactic acid bacteria and its' effect on gut microbiota[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(21) : 264 -271 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021579


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