Effect of different thawing methods and antifreeze treatment on the quality of frozen sea bass (Perca fluviatilis) fillets

  • LIU Mengjia ,
  • ZHOU Qiang ,
  • DAI Yumei ,
  • LEI Changgui ,
  • DING Liyun
  • 1 (College of Life Sciences and Chemistry, Minnan Science and Technology University, Quanzhou 362332, China)
    2 (Department of Food and Chemical Engineering, Henan Quality Polytechnic, Pingdingshan 467000, China)
    3 (Jiangxi Fisheries Research Institute, Nanchang 330039, China)

Received date: 2019-12-09

  Online published: 2020-02-01


In order to explore the effect of different thawing methods, by air, refrigerator, static hydrolysis and microwave, and antifreeze treatment on the thawing quality of frozen sea bass fillet, fresh sea bass (Perca fluviatilis) (0.4% compound phosphate as treatment group A, 4% trehalose + 0.4% compound phosphate as treatment group B) and a control group (-30 ℃, 72 h) were set up. The results showed that compared with other thawing methods, microwave thawing and static hydrolysis thawing can significantly improve the thawing rate of sea bass fillets (P<0.05), while microwave thawing and refrigerator thawing can significantly (P<0.05)reduce the water loss rate, cooking loss rate and total number of colonies, and delay the decrease of the salt-soluble protein content, elasticity, Ca2+-ATPase activity, whiteness value. For the three conventional thawing methods (air thawing, refrigerator thawing, static hydrolysis), treatment group B and group A can significantly reduce the liquid loss rate, cooking loss rate, total number of colonies, and inhibit the decrease of the salt-soluble protein content, elasticity, Ca2+-ATPase activity (P<0.05). For air thawing and static hydrolysis thawing, the effect of treatment group B was significantly higher than that of treatment group A (P<0.05). The nine indicators can be simplified into two principal components, and the total variance contribution rate was 83.074%. It provides data support for the comprehensive evaluation of thawing and thawing quality of sea bass.

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LIU Mengjia , ZHOU Qiang , DAI Yumei , LEI Changgui , DING Liyun . Effect of different thawing methods and antifreeze treatment on the quality of frozen sea bass (Perca fluviatilis) fillets[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(8) : 210 -218 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023031


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