Rice wafer is a new kind of food which is easy to be oxidized. To investigate the effect of oxygen concentration in package on shelf life of rice wafer, the influence of different oxygen concentration in package on the accelerated shelf life of rice wafer was studied. In addition, by testing the peroxide value (POV), chromatic aberration and organoleptic changes of the product, a rice wafer shelf life prediction model indicated by POV was established. The results showed that the POV of rice wafer increased with time, and the lower the oxygen concentration in the package the slower the rise of POV. At 50 ℃, the POV of the product under normal oxygen exceeded the national standard (0.25 g/100g) on the 37th day, while the POV of the product under vacuum packaging was only 0.088 g/100g on the 42nd day and the shelf life was predicted to be 83 days according to the national standard. The oxygen concentration had a significant impact on the shelf life of rice wafer. The chromatic aberration fluctuated and increased, and the sensory indexes decreased with the extension of time. The predicted shelf life of this product is 107 days under normal oxygen at 23 ℃. The shelf life prediction model of rice wafer was established under the condition of atmospheric components and the prediction accuracy was within ±10%. This study provides a theoretical basis for the antioxidant packaging design of the product.
QIAN Yihan
LU Lixin
PAN Liao
LU Lijing
. Effect of initial oxygen in package on shelf life of rice wafer[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(8)
: 136
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023185
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