Crystal malt, one of the most important specialty malts, contribute to flavor variety and unique taste in beer. Through saccharification of green malts with different germination time followed by analysis of reducing sugar and free amino nitrogen, the optimal time for green malt germination was determined. Pre-saccharification and roasting process of green malt were optimized according to the physicochemical indexes and flavor characteristics. The results showed the optimized condition for producing crystal malt to be: germination time 84 h, pH of the pre-saccharification water 3.36, protein resting temperature 60 ℃ and saccharification temperature 71.1 ℃. Under this condition, the contents of free amino nitrogen and reducing sugar at the end of pre-saccharification reached 142.4 mg/L and 26.2 g/L, respectively. With the inner part of the malt evenly crystallized, the crystallization rate reached 98%. Furthermore, the content of flavor substances, most significantly aldehydes, reached 1 265 μg/L, which was 98.3% higher than that of common commercial crystal malt. This study laid a foundation for large-scale production of high-quality crystal malt.
GU Hong
PAN Hepeng
SHANG Yueling
CAI Guolin
LU Jian
. Optimization of preparation process and quality analysis of crystal malt[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(24)
: 10
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022044
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