The purpose of this study is to overcome challenges in insufficient ethyl lactate and lack of flavor in the base wine of Baijiu. Using Aspergillus niger T103 as the starting strain, L/D-lactic acid as the substrate, the esterification rate was determined. It was found that Aspergillus niger esterase had stronger esterification ability on L-lactic acid than to D-lactic acid. By comparing L-lactic acid production rate of 7 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains in different base medium, it was found that the ratio of L-lactic acid produced from corn-based fermentation was significantly higher than that of rice-based fermentation. It was further found that differences in initial sugar content had no significant effect on the L-lactic acid ratio. The preparation of the optimal high L-lactic acid fermentation broth was preliminarily determined: Bacillus coagulans B1 as the starting strain and 18 °Bx of corn for 13 days. The total lactic acid amount reached 89.19 g/L, in which 99 % was L-lactic acid.
HAN Jing
XIAO Dongguang
. L-lactic acid fermentation process for Baijiu production[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(24)
: 134
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022027
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