Research progress of environment-friendly packaging materials based on soy protein isolate

  • SUN Jialin ,
  • YUAN Yujiao ,
  • ZENG Huanhuang ,
  • YANG Jinyi ,
  • MU Kaiyu ,
  • YAN Jingyun ,
  • LIU Fuguo ,
  • MA Cuicui
  • College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China

Received date: 2019-11-19

  Online published: 2020-02-10


Soy protein isolate film has good gas barrier property and biodegradability, and is often prepared by dry or wet method. However its weak mechanical properties limit its wide application in food system. The functional properties of single soy protein isolate film can be improved by modifying and combining with polysaccharide. In this review, the method, modification technique and related performance indexes of constructing edible film materials based on soy protein isolate were discussed. And we also reviewed the stabilizing effect of soy protein isolate edible film on functional factors and its application in food preservation. At the same time, the edible packaging materials with excellent performance and multifunctional properties were prospected in order to provide reference for the development of environmentally friendly packaging materials.

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SUN Jialin , YUAN Yujiao , ZENG Huanhuang , YANG Jinyi , MU Kaiyu , YAN Jingyun , LIU Fuguo , MA Cuicui . Research progress of environment-friendly packaging materials based on soy protein isolate[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(24) : 269 -277 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022833


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