Dry lemon peels were used as raw materials to extract pectin by five methods, including traditional acid extraction (TAE), enzyme extraction (EE), microwave assisted extraction (MAE), ultra-high pressure assisted extraction (UHPAE) and ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE). Then, effects of different extracting methods on physicochemical, rheological and emulsifying properties of lemon pectin were explored. Also, comparison was made with commercial lemon pectin. Results showed that all pectins, galacturonic acid content exceeded the national standard of 65%; and the esterification degree was higher than 50%, suggesting that lemon pectin was a kind of high methoxyl pectin. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIS) showed that pectin extracted by different methods had pectin characteristic functional groups, indicating that the extraction method adopted would not affect the pectin structure. The apparent viscosity, particle size, Zeta potential and emulsifying stability of different pectin have the identical order: MAE>UHPAE>UAE>EE>TAE>CLP. The properties of pectin obtained by the five extraction methods were higher than those of CLP, while the pectin obtained by other four extraction methods was better than that obtained by acid method, indicating that on the basis of TAE, the properties of lemon pectin obtained by adopting certain modern technical acid-assisted extraction method can be improved, which provided a basis for further study on the application of lemon pectin extracted by different methods in food industry.
LIU Jiang
HU Ling
. Effects of different extraction methods on properties of lemon pectin[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(23)
: 199
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021496
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