With semi-membrane muscles of male yak in Gannan Prefecture of Gansu province as the research object, the carbonyl, sulfhydryl and dityrosine contents of myofibrillar protein were determined to evaluate the degree of protein oxidation, and the degree of fat oxidation was investigated based on peroxide value (POV) and thiobarbituric acid value (TBA) during the process of natural freezing-air-drying for 40 days. Subsequently, by analyzing the changes of amino acids, the effect of myofibrillar protein oxidation on amino acids was discussed. The results showed that with the prolongation of processing time, the carbonyl content of myofibrillar protein in yak increased significantly, while the content of sulfhydryl group decreased significantly. The content of dityrosine gradually increased, and the POV as well as TBA both exhibited an upward trend. In addition, the contents of tyrosine, leucine, and phenylalanine changed significantly before and after oxidation (P<0.05), indicating high sensitivity to oxidation. Correlation analysis showed that protein oxidation was caused by fat oxidation, which could damage the nutritional properties and flavor of meat products to some extent. Therefore, the clarification of effect of air drying time on the quality of yak meat provides a theoretical basis for processing and processing methods of yak beef products in Tibetan region.
GUO Zhaobin
MA Jibing
CHEN Cheng
LIU Yong
HAN Ling
YU Qunli
. Effects of myofibrillar protein oxidation on amino acids during the processing of traditional air-dried yak meat[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(22)
: 202
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021503
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