To investigate the effects of osmotic temperature on the texture and microstructural properties of instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) dried carrot chips, three osmotic temperatures 25, 50 and 100 °C were applied to immerse the carrot samples. Volume ratio, texture, microstructural and sensory properties of the carrot chips were measured. The results exhibited that the expanded volume of the DIC-dried samples was highly dependent on the solute gain (R2 = 0.957 3), and all of the selected osmotic conditions could be used to produce high-quality carrot chips with high volume ratio (≥0.72), appropriate hardness (4 521-4 729 g) and crispness (1.20-2.06 mm ). The microstructural characteristics were affected by osmotic temperature significantly, and the broadest range of pore wall thickness and pore size diameter were obtained at 100 ℃ and reached 18-558 μm and 18-1 926 μm, respectively. Furthermore, osmotic temperature significantly affected the sensory indicators (P<0.05), 100 ℃ osmotic samples obtained the highest color score, while the 25 °C osmotic samples obtained the strongest flavor and texture score. The present study supplied theoretical and technical support for porous carrot chips producion.
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