In vitro toxicity mechanism of patulin on human gastric epithelial cells

  • XU Hui ,
  • JIA Lina ,
  • SU Jingyi ,
  • XU Lili ,
  • ZUO Shuna ,
  • ZHANG Wei ,
  • YANG Qian
  • 1(College of Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Cangzhou 061100, China)
    2(College of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China)

Received date: 2020-01-20

  Online published: 2020-06-24


The toxicity mechanism of patulin (PAT) on human gastric epithelial cells (GES-1) was studied in vitro from the aspects of cell proliferation, apoptosis, oxidative damage and DNA damage. When the concentration of PAT was above 1.0 μmol/L, the inhibition rate of PAT on GES-1 cells was greater than 20%. Meanwhile, the obvious apoptosis phenomenon was observed under fluorescence microscope. The relative expression level of Bax mRNA showed a significant up-regulation, whereas the relative expression level of Bcl-2 mRNA was distinctly down-regulated. At the same time, the activity of SOD and CAT decreased at most by 53.76% and the content of GSH reduced at most by 56.55%. The content of MDA increased at least by 139.59%. The expression of γ-H2AX was elevated with the increasing concentration of PAT. The results showed that PAT could significantly inhibit the proliferation and induce the apoptosis of GES-1 cells, with significant dose-effect relationship. It is concluded that PAT may induce apoptosis of GES-1 cells through oxidative damage and DNA damage.

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XU Hui , JIA Lina , SU Jingyi , XU Lili , ZUO Shuna , ZHANG Wei , YANG Qian . In vitro toxicity mechanism of patulin on human gastric epithelial cells[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(11) : 92 -97 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023441


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