This paper aims to explore the effect of mulberry red addition on the functional properties of pork myofibrillar protein, and provide a theoretical basis for the development of low-nitrate meat products. The changes of the function index and molecular structure of pork MP were investigated by treating the longissimus dorsi muscle with the content of 0, 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.2% and 0.25%.With the increase of red yeast red concentration, the solubility, emulsifying, sulfhydryl content and storage modulus of MP increased first and then decreased. The carbonyl content and surface hydrophobicity decreased first and then increased. Infrared spectrum analysis showed that α-helix the content increased first and then decreased with the increase of red yeast red concentration, and the β-fold, β-turn and random curl content decreased first and then increased. Reducing the use of sodium nitrite will seriously affect the functional properties of MP. Low or high concentration of Monascus red has poor functional properties. When the concentration of Monascus red is 0.15%, it can significantly improve the functional properties of MP under low nitrite condition (P & lt;0.05).
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