This study aimed to investigate the effect of exogenous strains and auxiliary carbon source on pH, total acid, brittleness and sensory quality of fermented chili. The fuzzy mathematical sensory evaluation method and technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) method were chosen to optimize the conditions of auxiliary fermentation technology. The results showed that with the increase amount of Lactobacillus Fermentum inoculated and the more glucose and lactose added, the faster the fermentation speed was obtained (P<0.05). And when the amount of pectin added was less than 0.25%, the fermentation speed was faster than control (natural fermentation). The brittleness of fermented chili was better than the control on the conditions of inoculation with L. fermentum, addition of glucose and lactose and less than 5% pectin. The sensory evaluation score of the fermented chili were higher than control group when vaccinated less than 3% L. fermentum and added glucose and lactose respectively. However, the sensory evaluation of the group added pectin was lower than control. Through TOPSIS method and validation experiments, the optimized condition which could improve the growth of L. fermentum in the fermentation liquids and the brittleness of fermented chili was 2% L. fermentum inoculation and the addition of 5.0% glucose or 3% lactose. In conclusion, combination of fuzzy mathematics evaluation and TOPSIS method is reliable for optimizing the conditions of auxiliary fermentation technology of fermented chili.
SONG Yuting
WANG Xiaoyun
DING Zhuhong
DU Bofeng
XIAO Shiyun
YU Yihong
. Optimization of fermentation conditions for chili using exogenous strains and auxiliary carbon source and its quality evaluation[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(3)
: 131
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022423
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