The purpose of this study is to optimize rejected hen protein hydrolysis using papain for salt-enhanced peptides preparation. The enzymatic hydrolysis was optimized using single-factor experiments and orthogonal test methods. The magnitude estimation method was employed to evaluate the saltiness enhancement of chicken protein hydrolysates. In addition, the electronic tongue was used to investigate the flavor difference in chicken protein hydrolysates. The results of the range analysis showed that the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis was achieved when enzymatic hydrolysis time reached 4 h, incubation temperature at 50 ℃, enzyme to substrate ratio to be 0.2% (w/w), and meat-water ratio of 1:2. The results of variance analysis showed that the effect of hydrolysis time, enzyme concentration, the ratio of meat to water, and the interaction between time and enzyme concentration on the degree of hydrolysis were significant (P<0.05). The hydrolysis time had a significant effect (P<0.05) on taste enhancement. The output data from principal component analysis of taste sensor showed flavor difference existed among the 27 samples, and was mainly related to the enzymatic hydrolysis time. This study showed that the rejected hen protein hydrolysates was able to enhance salty taste of a 50 mmol/L NaCl solution by 26.2%. This optimized process can be used to develop nutritious flavor-enhancing condiments.
CHEN Ruixia
SUN Siyuan
SUN Chengfeng
SUN Weizheng
. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis for rejected hen protein for salt-enhanced peptides preparation[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(1)
: 166
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022280
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