The study was carried out to screen the best fresh-keeping scheme of Gastrodia elata under refrigeration conditions. Gastrodia elata of Kangxian County, Gansu Province, as the research object, were stored in open packaging, vacuum packaging and modified atmosphere packaging at (3±2) ℃ for 42 days respectively. The physiological and biochemical indexes related to Gastrodia elata in each treatment group were measured every seven days. Results showed that the weight loss rate of Gastrodia elata in each treatment group was less than 5% within 42 days under refrigeration conditions, and they still maintained good freshness. At the same time, the total amount of gastrodin and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol in each treatment group was higher than that stipulated by the national pharmacopoeia (≥0.25%). It was observed that the total amount of gastrodin and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol in modified atmosphere packaging group A (1%-3%O2+5%-7%CO2+90%-94%N2) was significantly higher than that in other treatment groups and well maintained the medicinal value of Gastrodia elata. The use of modified atmosphere packaging could inhibit the accumulation of MDA, and the increase of PAL activity and PPO activity in varying degrees. Compared with other treatment groups, modified atmosphere packaging group A showed the best result. The use of modified atmosphere packaging could maintain the storage quality of Gastrodia elata and prolong the storage period to 42 days effectively. The modified atmosphere packaging group A showed the best comprehensive preservation effect.
LI Yongqiang
LI Ruiping
Du Xiaoxue
Chen Mengdi
. Preservative effects of different packaging methods on Gastrodia elata under refrigeration conditions[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(1)
: 251
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021936
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