In order to make efficient use of fig resources and extend the fruit supply period, the fresh figs were dried by hot air, vacuum and vacuum freezing in this study. The quality of the dried figs treated by three different drying methods was analyzed using electronic eye, texture analyzer and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), etc. The results showed that the dried figs obtained by the three drying methods could be effectively distinguished using the electronic eye when their moisture content was about 5%;Vacuum freeze-drying took the longest time, which was 2.75 times of hot air drying, and 3.14 times of the vacuum drying. The texture analysis results showed that the hardness value of the dried figs obtained by hot air drying was 1 286.41 g and the fracturability value was 1 074.82 g, springiness value was 0.99 mm, cohesiveness value was 0.78 %, chewiness value was 985.36 mJ, resilience value was 0.34 mm, both greater than vacuum drying and vacuum freeze dried fig; The volatile component analysis results showed that totally 52 kinds of volatile components were detected in the three kinds of dried figs, mainly aldehydes, alcohols, acids, hydrocarbons, which accounted for 90.49%-91.26% of the total volatile components. Meanwhile, 33 of them were detected in hot-dried dried figs, 32 in vacuum dried figs, and 29 in vacuum freeze-dried dried figs. There were 15 kinds of common volatile components detected in all three dried figs. The major volatile components were benzaldehyde, which took part 38.97%in hot air method, 39.03 %in vacuum dried method, and 46.49 % in vacuum freeze-dried. Besides, psoralen was detected only in the dried figs of hot air drying.
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