By virtue of the adsorption of macroporous resin technology to removing the harmful substance in honey, the waste honey resources can realize reuse. Honey with 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) excessive amount was used as the object, and the adsorption isotherms, adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics of 5-HMF by LSI-3 macroporous resin were systematically investigated, to probe the LSI-3 resin adsorption mechanism for 5-HMF in honey. Freundlich adsorption isotherm model could reliably describe the adsorption process of LSI-3 resin for 5-HMF, and enthalpy change ΔH, free energy change ΔG and entropy change ΔS were found to be negative during the adsorption process. This indicated that, the removal of 5-HMF from honey by LSI-3 resin involved physical adsorption and was spontaneous and exothermic process, and lower temperature was beneficial to the adsorption reaction, and 5-HMF was not easily resolved from the resin by water molecules. In addition, the second-order equation was suitable for describing the LSI-3 resin adsorption kinetics for 5-HMF from honey, and the Weber-Morris kinetic model proved that the 5-HMF adsorption process was controlled by both liquid film diffusion and intraparticle diffusion. The results provide important theoretical basis for the industrial application of macroporous resin treating the 5-HMF exceeding standard honey.
WANG Yuxiang
ZHANG Jinjin
GAO Yizeng
. Adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics of 5-HMF from honeyby macroporous resin[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(5)
: 98
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023359
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