Advances in heat-induced gel properties and chemical forces of myofibrillar protein gel

  • WANG Jingyu ,
  • HU Xin ,
  • LIU Xiaoyan ,
  • JI Hong ,
  • YANG Jingxia ,
  • LIU Xiaoli ,
  • CHEN Chen ,
  • QU Changqing
  • 1 (School of Biology and Food Engineering, Fuyang Normal University, Fuyang 236037, China)
    2 (Engineering Technology Research Center of Anti-aging Chinese Herbal Medicine of Anhui Province, Fuyang 236037, China)

Received date: 2019-11-16

  Online published: 2020-05-20


Myofibrillar proteins are the main components of muscle. Heat-induced myofibrillar protein gel plays an important role in the processing of meat products, which determines the sensory qualities of comminuted meat products, such as springiness, juiciness, viscosity. The balance between disulfide bond, hydrogen bond, hydrophobic interaction and electrostatic interaction result in the formation of myofibrillar protein gels. And gel properties of myofibrillar protein depend on these forces in gel. Research advances of gel properties (texture, water-holding, rheology) and chemical forces of myofibrillar protein were summarized in terms of heat-induced gel formation mechanism and forces in the gel in this review. And then the deep cause (chemical forces) of myofibrillar protein gel formation mechanism was discussed, which significantly provided a theoretical basis for the application of comminuted meat gel products.

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WANG Jingyu , HU Xin , LIU Xiaoyan , JI Hong , YANG Jingxia , LIU Xiaoli , CHEN Chen , QU Changqing . Advances in heat-induced gel properties and chemical forces of myofibrillar protein gel[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(8) : 300 -306 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022820


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