The postharvest diseases accounted for 20%-30% of the total loss of Hami melon, resulting in huge economic losses. The objective of this study is to investigate the physiological changes of Hami melon and to clarify the decay mechanism caused by Alternaria alternata and Trichothecium roseum. The propagation of pathogenic fungi and cell wall structure of melon were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The disease symptoms, the activity of cell wall degradation enzyme, as well as the quality changes caused by cell wall degradation were discussed. The results showed that compared with different inoculation methods, the inoculation on holes exhibited the most serious spoilage, showed disease symptom after 1 d, and the disease incidence reached 100% on the 4th day. Comparing the two pathogenic fungus inoculated groups, the lesion area of melon infected by T. roseum expanded faster than that of A. alternata. SEM observation showed that during storage, the cell wall structure of the control group was complete, and fungi grew on the surface on the 7th day, but did not cause the degradation of the cell structure. In the group inoculated with A. alternata and T. roseum, the cells were covered with fungus and the cell wall collapsed on the 3rd day, and the tissue ruptured in the T. roseum group on the 7th day. The activities of β-galactosidase, polygalacturonase, carboxymethyl cellulase and β-glucuronidase in Hami melon pericarp after inoculation increased slowly. The enzyme activity in the inoculated group (1.28-1.85 times of the control group) was significantly higher than that in the control group. The respiration rate, weightlessness rate and relative conductivity of Hami melon inoculated with spoilage fungus were higher than those in the control group, but the hardness was lower than that of the control group. These results provide a theoretical basis for the infection process of pathogenic fungus and the disease control of melon.
ZHENG Yanyan
ZHAO Lihui
WANG Yubin
MA Yue
ZHAO Xiaoyan
. Alternaria alternata and Trichothecium roseum cause disease of Hami melon by degrading the cell wall in the pericarp[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(10)
: 124
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023148
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