In order to explore the effect of organic acids contained in apples on the stability of cloudy juice system, based on the types and contents of organic acids in apples, this study explored the effects of different concentrations of malic acid, citric acid, and tartaric acid on the structure with pectin composite systems were investigated by ultraviolet spectrum, Fourier transform infrared spectrum, and scanning electron microscope. To explore the physicochemical properties and stability of the system, monosaccharide composition, pH value, apparent viscosity, particle size, and turbidity retention rate were studied. Results showed that addition of malic acid, citric acid, and tartaric acid had similar effects on the whole system, which could destroy the network structure of pectin,causes pectin hydrolysis and make the pectin surface smooth and the pore structure disappeared. Besides, addition of organic acids significantly reduced the viscosity, particle size, and stability of the system (P<0.05). The research results provide a theoretical reference for improving the processing technology of turbid apple juice products.
REN Jiaqi
ZHAO Jichun
ZENG Kaifang
. Physicochemical properties and stability of organic acids/pectin composite system in apple[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(12)
: 29
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023751
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