In order to better optimize the production technology and operation conditions of plant pigment and contribute to the industrialization of national traditional food, the extraction kinetic of yellow pigment from Buddleja officinalis flowers was investigated, and the dyeing process of glutinous rice was optimized. The results showed that the equilibrium mass concentration increased with the increase of extraction temperature, yet the time required to approach the equilibrium mass concentration decreased. According to the spherical model and Fick’s second law of diffusion, the extraction kinetic model of yellow pigment was established and the related kinetic parameters were obtained, including extraction rate constant, half-life, activation energy and the diffusion coefficient. The orthogonal test results showed that the influence of factors on the quality of yellow glutinous rice were as follows: pigment content>dyeing time>solid-liquid ratio. The optimum dyeing process was soaking for 12 h in the content of 0.6 mg/mL pigment solution with the solid to liquid ratio 1∶4. The sensory evaluation score of yellow glutinous rice under this process was 85.02.
ZHANG Tingting
MAI Xinyun
PAN Cuijun
. Extraction kinetic and dyeing milled glutinous rice technology of yellow pigment from Buddleja officinalis flowers[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(12)
: 206
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023376
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