Analysis of antioxidant activity of ten kinds of Douchi and theirinfluencing factors

  • CHEN Yi ,
  • LU Minjie ,
  • LIU Yang ,
  • JIANG Liwen ,
  • LI Pao ,
  • LIAO Luyan
  • 1(College of Food Science and Technology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China)
    2(Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Science and Biotechnology (Hunan Agricultural University),Changsha 410128, China)

Received date: 2020-03-03

  Online published: 2020-08-04


The antioxidant activity of Douchi, a traditional fermented soybean, was evaluated by measuring the hydroxide free radical-scavenging rate(·OH)and total antioxidant capacity. And the differences in antioxidant activity were investigated by analyzing the pH, degree of hydrolysis, content of polyphenol, protein and soybean isoflavone. Results showed that significant differences in antioxidant activity of different commercial Douchi was observed. Mucor-type Huangyao Douchi exhibited the strongest total antioxidant capacity of (0.6±0.01) mmol/L while the bacterial-type Binli natto showed the weakest. Mucor-type Daoxiangyuan Douchi exhibited the highest ·OH scavenging activity (65.3±0.62) %. Similarly, the contents of total polyphenols and aglycogenic isoflavones in Aspergillus-type and Mucor-type Douchi were significantly higher than those in bacterial-type natto. Particularly, the Mucor-type Yangjinji and Huangyao Douchi contained the highest level of polyphenols (71.9±0.91) mg/100 g and aglycogenic isoflavones (2 925.4±12.32) mg/kg, respectively. The correlational analysis indicated that the polyphenol and aglycone isoflavone content were significantly (P<0.05) related to the ·OH scavenging activity and total antioxidant. And the pH value also could affect the antioxidant capacity of Douchi.

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CHEN Yi , LU Minjie , LIU Yang , JIANG Liwen , LI Pao , LIAO Luyan . Analysis of antioxidant activity of ten kinds of Douchi and theirinfluencing factors[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(13) : 36 -41 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023833


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