To better understand the color change of caramel malt at low-temperature roasting process under different mashing conditions, CIE L*a*b* was used to compare the color characteristics of 50%(mass ratio) congress wort, 10% congress wort, 10% saccharification wort mashed at 65 ℃ and its resultant boiling wort under laboratory conditions. The results indicated that the production of yellow colorant was earlier than the red one in roasting. The a* and b* showed different changing tendency in distinctive molds which reflecting the complexity of non-enzymatic browning in the roasting process. The variation patterns of a* and b* in congress wort of 10% caramel malt were significantly different from those of 50% formula. The change mode of a* and b* in the boiling process of 10% caramel malt formula wort with 65 ℃ mashing temperature was also varied from that of 50% congress wort, and its color increased obviously during boiling. With the regard of the fact that 10% ratio of caramel malt is the common ratio for commercial production, it is more instructive to use the 10% EBC wort protocol to evaluate the color characteristics of caramel malt. Boiling the 10% formula wort mashed at 65 ℃ can better provide the reference for the selection of caramel malt and formula screening of beer with specific color characteristics.
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