In order to compare the difference between the automatic colony counting (Microbio) method and the ordinary plate counting method, ten bacteria strains were added to food samples at high, medium and low concentration. And the standard methods of GB 4789.2—2016 and GB 4789.15—2016 were used for colony counting as control. Data accuracy, quantitative limit, the detection time, personnel operation error and different media were compared and analyzed. In terms of data accuracy, personnel operation error and different media, the recovery rate of the two methods were all over 70% and the relative standard deviation (RSD) ≤0.35. When the detection limit ≥5 CFU/mL, the recovery rate ≥70% and the RSD ≤0.35 respectively. The results showed that no significant difference was found between the automatic colony count method (Microbio) and the ordinary plate count method and the quantitative limit could reach 5 CFU/mL. But in terms of the detection time, the automatic colony count method (Microbio) was superior to the ordinary plate method.
ZHAO Xiaomei
LIU Jifeng
. A comparative study between Microbio method and plate counting methodon colony counting[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(13)
: 237
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023190
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