In order to clarify the effects of three different thermal processing methods of steaming, boiling, and air frying on the edible quality of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets, the following parameters including color, processing loss rate, pH value, basic nutritional components, fat oxidation, fatty acid composition content and volatile matter composition were analyzed. The results showed that thermal processing had a greater impact on the edible quality of tilapia meat, and different thermal processing methods had different effects on it. The specific realization was: after steaming, boiling and air frying, the processing loss rates were 11.51%, 9.14%, and 26.73% respectively. Moreover, compared with the control group, the pH values of steaming, boiling were increased by 0.22 and 0.44, respectively, while the air frying treatment was reduced by 0.51. The content of nutritional components changed, and the relative content of ash, crude protein and fat increased due to the decrease of moisture loss after heat treatment. After thermal processing, the surface color of fish meat changed, L* value and b* value increased. At the same time, a* value increased by steaming and air frying treatment and boiling reduced. Oxidation of fat occurs during thermal processing, and the degree of oxidation was judged by the TBARS value: boiling (0.68 mgMDA/kg)> steaming (0.58 mgMDA/kg)> air-frying (0.20 mgMDA/kg). In addition, the content of saturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish meat increased, the highest boiling content and high steam content were 38.13% and 32.53% respectively. Meanwhile, the content of monounsaturated fatty acids decreased, and the minimum steam content was 29.25%. GC-MS analysis showed that 38, 44, 44 and 47 volatile substances were detected and they were mainly aldehydes, alcohols, and alkanes. Different thermal processing methods had certain effects on the food, food and other supplies of tilapia. This study provides a theoretical guidance for the thermal processing of tilapia and its effect on color, flavor, and nutritional ingredients of tilapia.
LI Rui
SUN Zuli
LI Laihao
YANG Xianqing
CEN Jianwei
ZHAO Yongqiang
. Effects of different thermal processing methods on edible quality of tilapia fillets[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(14)
: 127
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023881
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