The ‘Huzhu’ brand Qingke liquor was taken as the research object, and the rapid identification methods of ‘Huzhu’ brand Qingke liquor based on UV spectroscopy was studied. On the basis of proper pretreatment of the spectrum, by comparing the similarity evaluation indexes, such as the angle cosine, correlation coefficient and UV similarity, between the ultraviolet spectrum of the sample and the reference spectrum, the quality control chart of ‘Huzhu’ brand Qingke liquor was constructed. The spectra of ‘Huzhu’ Qingke liquors, other brand liquors and non-Qingke liquors were compared with the reference spectrum, as results, all the ‘Huzhu’ Qingke liquors were kept between the upper and lower control limits of the quality control chart, and the other two classes of samples were located under the lower control limit. The results indicated that this proposed method could be used as a simple and rapid identification method for quality assurance of ‘Huzhu’ brand Qingke liquor.
ZHANG Shizhi
TANG Weiqi
ZHANG Mingjin
DUO Xinghong
. Rapid identification of Qingke liquor based on UV spectroscopy[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(14)
: 211
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023941
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