To explore the effects of different cooking conditions on qualities of Chinese water-chestnut, a study was conducted on the variation of cooking time on the water distribution, nutritional components and antioxidant activity of Chinese water-chestnut (with peel and without peel) under steaming and boiling methods. The results obtained showed that three kinds of water (immobilized water, bound water and free water) presented in Chinese water-chestnut migrated and the absolute content of moisture decreased during the cooking process. In addition, with increasing of cooking time, the contents of starch and protein decreased while the contents of reducing sugar, total phenolic, total flavonoid and scavenging activities of DPPH、ABTS and hydroxyl free radical increased firstly and then decreased and were higher than those of fresh sample. The phenolic and flavonoid components in Chinese water-chestnut were largely responsible for the free radical scavenging activities. The one principal component, which contained 81.496% information of the initial 5 indexes, was extracted by principal component analysis (PCA). The samples without peel under steaming method within 5 min and with peel under steaming methods after 10 min had the highest comprehensive appraise scores, which implied that these samples had the highest antioxidant activities. The steaming method of Chinese water-chestnut with peel showed better protection for quality, and can be used in industry as a suitable method for Chinese water-chestnut processing.
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