The progress of carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines on meat products and its controlling by lactic acid bacteria

  • LIU Yuxuan ,
  • HUANG Xiaohong ,
  • XU Ye ,
  • NIU Shuhui ,
  • WANG Yilun ,
  • YANG Yifang ,
  • XIAO Zihan ,
  • YU Qinxin ,
  • LIU Shuliang ,
  • AO Xiaolin ,
  • CHEN Shujuan ,
  • LIU Aiping ,
  • HE Li ,
  • YANG Yong
  • College of Food Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya'an 625014, China

Received date: 2020-02-28

  Revised date: 2020-04-10

  Online published: 2020-09-17


Nitrosamine is a common chemical in processed meat products, while, it is hepatotoxicity. Nitrosamine is also a cancer risk factor and can be transferred to fetus through the placental barrier. The most common methods to reduce nitrosamine can be categorized into physical, chemical, and biological approach according to their technical principles. In recent years, biological approach, especially lactobacillus was used to reduce N-nitrosamines, coordinate flavor of meat products, extend shelf-life, and facilitate standardized operations as well. In this article, different types of nitrosamine and their toxicity, content and formation from meat and seafood products, have been reviewed. The application of lactobacillus to reduce nitrosamine has also been emphatically discussed, which could provide theoretical guidance on the biological technique to reduce nitrosamines in meat products.

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LIU Yuxuan , HUANG Xiaohong , XU Ye , NIU Shuhui , WANG Yilun , YANG Yifang , XIAO Zihan , YU Qinxin , LIU Shuliang , AO Xiaolin , CHEN Shujuan , LIU Aiping , HE Li , YANG Yong . The progress of carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines on meat products and its controlling by lactic acid bacteria[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020 , 46(16) : 283 -289 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023785


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