A new type of stinky Tofu brine was fermented by the lactic acid bacteria strains isolated and screened from the laboratory,and its volatile aroma components were analyzed and compared using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In this work, we used 13 lactic acid bacteria strains previously isolated from the natural fermented brine of stinky Tofu in our laboratory as the source of fermenting strains to perform a screening. Eight strains with excellent activity were identified based on the analysis of proteolytic, bacteriostatic, and fermentation abilities of the single strain. These strains were then inoculated into the new production formula of stinky Tofu with the initial concentration of 104 CFU/mL, from the improvement of the traditional process. The brine solutions were prepared by fermenting for 20 h at 37 ℃. This method shortened the fermentation time of brine solutions and effectively reduced the potential risk during natural fermentation process. Solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) was employed to extract volatile aroma components from the solution, and 61 volatile aroma components were identified by GC-MS, including 19 olefins, 12 alcohols, 8 esters, 5 acids, 3 aldehydes, 4 ketones and 10 others(amines, thioethers, indoles, phenols’etc.). Finally, the categorization analysis identified the main aroma components of fermented brine, they were 2-carene, linalool, butyl acetate, citric aldehyde, 3-octanone, and 12 other ingredients. The typical aroma components were dimethyl dithioether, dimethyl trithioether, dimethyl tetrathioether, and indole. The aroma characteristics of the fermented stinky Tofu brine in this study is similar to that of the commercial products, showing prospect of compounded lactic acid bacteria with a clear source in producing fermented brine of stinky Tofu.
DENG Sijing
DU Lei
XIE Jingli
WEI Dongzhi
. Study of stinky Tofu brine fermented with lactic acid bacteria and the analysis of its aroma components[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(17)
: 107
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.024290
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