Granular morphology and functional characteristics of starches of Fenghua taro, Fenghua seed taro and Wenling taro were analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscope, rapid viscosity analyzer, differential scanning calorimeter, rheometer, and in vitro enzymatic digestion method. Results showed that the starch granules of Wenling taro (3-5 μm) were larger than those of Fenghua taro and Fenghua seed taro (0.5-2 μm), and the shape was more regular than that of Fenghua taro starch. Wrinkles and cracks on the surface of taro starch granules were observed when taro starches were magnified at 30 000 times. The values of pasting viscosity of taro starches were as follows: Wenling taro > Fenghua taro > Fenghua taro. The peak temperature of gelatinization of Wenling taro starch (80.3 ℃) was significantly lower than that of Fenghua taro starch (83.3-84.3 ℃), however, the enthalpy of gelatinization of Wenling taro starch (18.3 J/g) was significantly higher than that of Fenghua taro starch (12.5-14.8 J/g). Moreover, the enthalpy of gelatinization of retrograded Wenling taro starch (3.2 J/g) was significantly lower than that of retrograded Fenghua taro starch (6.2-6.7 J/g). Furthermore, the dynamic moduli was relatively higher at lower temperature and higher frequency conditions, and was positively correlated with amylose content. The rapidly digestible starch accounting for >60% in taro starches, and the rest were slowly digestible starch and resistant starch.
SHEN Shumin
LI Luofei
YAN Yuting
AO Tianyu
KONG Xiangli
. Functional characteristics of taro starches[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2020
, 46(18)
: 72
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.024460
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