To explore the potential of peanut peptide ferrous (PPF) gastrointestinal bionic digestants (GBDs) as an antibacterial agent, antibacterial activity (ABA), surface hydrophobicity (SHP), minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), cell membrane permeability (CMP), the extracellular leakage of ultraviolet absorption biomacromolecules and K+ were studied. The results showed that the ABA of PPF can be enhanced by gastrointestinal biomimetic digestive treatment. The SHP attained its’ peak at 270 min. Simulated intestinal fragment (SIF4) at the concentration of 0.2×10-3g/L (MIC) exerted a significant bacteriostatic effect on Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). There were significant differences (P<0.05) for these indices such as CMP, extracellular leakage of ultraviolet absorption biomacromolecule and K+ between the experimental group and the control group. After being treated using 1/2 MIC,1/4 MIC and MIC, the extracellular leakage of intracellular K+ of S. aureus increased with the elongation of incubation time, especially for the MIC group. Research inferred that the cell membrane of S. aureus can be damaged after being treated with different concentrations of SIF4, which causes the cell membrane perforation and make the leakage of bioactive biomacromolecules such as protein and nucleic acid, and resulting in bacterial necrosis and exerting a good antibacterial activity. All results indicated that peanut peptide-ferrous gastrointestinal bionic digestants (GBDs) can service as a potential new polypeptide metal antibacterial agent used in food industry.
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