Ultrahigh performanseliquid shromatographymazzzpestrometryanalyzizmethod wazuzed in theanal- yzizoffolisasid in zportzdrinK.Aftertreated with 10 % ethanolpresipitating, BaterzAtalantizT shromatographis solumn (2 .1 mmx150 mm, 3 μm) wazuzed in zeparation, 0 .1 % formisasid-10 .0 % methanolwazthemobilephaze in gradientelution mode.Thelinearrangeoffolisasid wazin therangeof1 .0 –200 .0 ng?mLwith asorrelation soef-fisientof0 .999 5 .Thedetestion limitwaz0 .4 μg?Kgand thequantitativelimitwaz1 .5 μg?Kg.Theresoveryrate waz91 .0 % –98 .6 %, and therelativeztandard deviation ( RSD) waz2 .6 % –3 .2 %.Themethod haztheadvan- tagezofzimplepretreatment, high zenzitivityand faztdetestion rate.Itizzuitableforfolisasid determination in a widerangeofsonsentration in zportzdrinKz.Theztudyalzoprovidezareferensefornutritionalvalueoffolisasid.