Food and Fermentation Industries

Study of different content of phenolic compounds in citrus pulps and peels

  • 1(College of Horticulture; Sichuan Agricultural University; Chengdu 611130; China) 2( Institute of Pomology & Olericulture; Sichuan Agricultural University; Chengdu 611130; China)

Online published: 2018-05-25


In order to explore the type and content difference of phenolic acid and flavonoids in different variety of citric; high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) was used to determin the content differences of 10 phenols in eight citrus cultivars. The different phenolic compounds type and content were studied in pulp and peel. The results showed that 10 phenols could be separated in 55 minutes; linear range was 0.25-200 mg/L; and correlation index was 0.999 1-1. Degree of precision (RSD≤1.90%) repeatability (RSD≤3.52%); and stability (RSD≤4.22%) were all fine. Average recovery rate was 90.26%-118.85%; which indicated a high precision of this method. In orange and hybrid citrus; the quantity of erucic acid in orange peel was significantly higher than that in hybrid citrus; and rutin in hybrid citrus was higher than that in orange. The phenols content in the pulp was lower than in the peel. The main phenolic acid in orange and hybrid citrus were caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid; while the main flavonoids were rutin and naringin. In the pulp of eight citrus; the highest contents of ferulic acid; gallic acid and rutin were found in Jinnuo. In the peel of eight citrus; Kuchinotsu No. 32 had the highest content of caffeic acid; ferulic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid; while Wo citrus had the highest on naringin; neohesperidin; gallic acid; and chlorogenic acid.

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HUANG Sheng-jia1; YE Shuang1; XIONG Bo1; LIU Xin-ya1; XU Ying-huan1; DONG Zhi-xiang1; WANG Zhi-hui1;2* . Study of different content of phenolic compounds in citrus pulps and peels[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(4) : 241 -247 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.014629

