Study on fresh-keeping pineapple chitosan coating by response surface methodology

  • LI Chong-gao ,
  • HUANG Jian-chu ,
  • QIU Hong-mei
  • 1(Department of Food, Guangzhou City Ploytechnic College, Guangzhou 510405,China)
    2(Department of Logistics, Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, Guangzhou 510850,China)

Received date: 2017-11-09

  Online published: 2018-10-30


Using citric acid, sodium ascorbate and chitosan as materials, sensory evaluation, weight loss rate and acid-to-acid ratio as response indexes, response surface methodology was used to optimize the preservation effect of fresh-cut pineapple coating. The results showed that the chitosan coating can effectively maintain the sensory score, weight loss rate and solid-acid ratio of fresh-cut pineapple. By regression fitting, the multiple regression equation of sensory score, weight loss rate and ratio of solid to acid was obtained, which was significant by p value test. The optimum regression equation fitted to the above equation can predict the effect of coating on the quality of fresh-cut pineapple. When the optimal coating (chitosan 1.69%, citric acid 0.12% and sodium ascorbate 0.5%) was applied, fresh cut pineapple has the best quality. The experimental results show that sensory evaluation, weight loss rate and solid-acid ratio are similar to those predicted values, the product has bright yellow color, rich aroma and moderate sour and sweet taste.

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LI Chong-gao , HUANG Jian-chu , QIU Hong-mei . Study on fresh-keeping pineapple chitosan coating by response surface methodology[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(9) : 182 -187 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016238


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