Selection of cholesterol-lowering lactic acid bacteria in vitro and study on it′s tolerance of acid and bile salt

  • (Food Science and Engineering College, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing 102206, China)

Online published: 2018-07-04


Two strains of lactic acid bacteria, YXB23 and YDA12 with high cholesterol-lowering ability were screened from 12 lactic acid bacteria using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the cholesterol assimilation rates were (35.33±4.51)% and (33.53±2.91)%, respectively.16S rDNA analysis suggested that YXB23 belonged to Lactobacillus plantarum and YDA12 belonged to Pediococcus acidilactici strain.YXB23 and YDA12 were incubated in MRS at pH2.5.After 8 h, the survival rates of YXB23 and YDA12 were (99.42±0.30)% and (97.42±0.62)%, respectively.After incubation with 0.2% bile salt in MRS for 8h, the survival rates of these two strains were (77.51±0.46)% and (98.86±0.13)%.When the content of bile salt was increased to 0.3%, the survival rates of YXB23 and YDA12 were 0% and (95.36±1.11)%, respectively.After incubation in artificial gastric juice for 3 h, the survival rates of YXB23 and YDA12 were (85.46±1.76)% and (85.41±1.47)%.When they were transferred to artificial intestinal juice (2%,v/v) and incubated for 8h, the survival rates of YXB23 and YDA12 were (90.47±2.94)% and (88.95±2.29)%.After comparison of thses two strains, YDA12 was select as the potential Cholesterol-lowing lactic acid bacteria due to it′s better bile salt resistance.

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CHEN Yi-ting et al . Selection of cholesterol-lowering lactic acid bacteria in vitro and study on it′s tolerance of acid and bile salt[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(5) : 29 -33 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016339

