Effects of different thawing methods on the quality of frozen meat

  • (School of Perfume and Aroma Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418,China)

Online published: 2018-07-06


Inhibition of the growth of spoilage microorganisms and reducing water loss during the thawing process of frozen meat is very important in keeping the quality of the meat and reducing the extra cost.In this review, the effect of different thawing methods such as traditional thawing, electrolytic thawing, acoustic thawing, far infrared thawing and combined thawing on the quality of meat was summarized; the advantages and disadvantages of each method were analyzed.It provides the theoretical basis for selecting and optimizing of meat thawing method.

Cite this article

HE Yan et al . Effects of different thawing methods on the quality of frozen meat[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(5) : 291 -295 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015379

