Rice is an important adjunct during beer brewing. Adding rice changed the concentration and physicochemical properties of beer protein. In this study, the effect of adding rice on the hydrophobicity and foaming stability of protein was mainly investigated. With the increase of the amount of rice addition from 10% to 30%, the hydrophobic index of beer protein gradually decreased from 118.86 to 103.87, the foaming stability of protein increased from 62.14% to 68.25%. The beer protein from rice was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. It was found that rice beer contains less protein Z and a certain amount of RAG2 protein, which had an effect on beer foam stability.
CAO Rong-kun
LI Jia-tai
WANG Jin-jing
ZHENG Fei-yun
NIU Cheng-tuo
LIU Chun-feng
LI Yong-xian
. Hydrophobicity and foaming stability analysis of rice beer protein[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(9)
: 66
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017253
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