Decontamination effects of natural preservatives on slaughtered broiler carcasses surface by atomization spraying treatments

  • ZHAO Sheng-ming ,
  • ZHAO Yan-yan ,
  • MA Xiao-tong ,
  • GUO Su-su ,
  • KANG Zhuang-li ,
  • ZHU Ming-ming ,
  • WANG Zheng-rong ,
  • HE Hong-ju ,
  • MA Han-jun
  • 1(School of Food Science, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003,China)
    2(Henan Province Engineering Technology Research Center of Animal Products Intensive Processing and Quality Safety Control, Xinxiang 453003,China)
    3(National Pork Processing Technology Research and Development Professional Center, Xinxiang 453003, China)

Received date: 2018-04-25

  Online published: 2018-12-25


The shelf time of broiler products can be prolonged by the spraying treatments of broiler carcasses with preservatives. Taking the broiler carcasses in one certain broiler slaughtering plant as experimental projects, the spraying treatments decontamination effects of nisin, chitosan, tea polyphenols, ε-polylysine, curcumin, lysozyme , sodium alginate and complex preservatives on whole broiler carcasses surface were investigated in this article. It was found that nisin, ε-polylysine and chitosan exhibited the better decontamination effects on the total plate counts, lactic acid bacteria, staphylococcus.spp, pseudomonas.spp, brochothrix thermosphacta and enterobacteriaceae of whole broiler carcasses surface. The decontamination effects of the combination of nisin (0.1%), ε-polylysine (0.2%) and chitosan (0.2%) on whole broiler carcasses surface by atomization spraying treatment was better compared with nisin, ε-polylysine and chitosan alone. No significant effect of complex natural preservatives spraying on redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and lightness (L*) of broiler carcasses was obtained. The quality indexes of TVB-N and TBARS of broiler carcasses was decreased significantly by complex natural preservatives atomization spraying treatments. The complex natural preservatives spraying treatments had a significant decontamination effects on broiler carcasses and prolonged its shelf life.

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ZHAO Sheng-ming , ZHAO Yan-yan , MA Xiao-tong , GUO Su-su , KANG Zhuang-li , ZHU Ming-ming , WANG Zheng-rong , HE Hong-ju , MA Han-jun . Decontamination effects of natural preservatives on slaughtered broiler carcasses surface by atomization spraying treatments[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(11) : 167 -175 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017638


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