Development of a cured beef tongue product

  • ZHU Dan-dan ,
  • HAN Ling ,
  • YU Qun-li ,
  • LI Wen-dong ,
  • CAO Hui ,
  • HAN Guang-xing ,
  • LI Hang
  • 1(College of Food Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China)
    2(Limited Liability Company of Qin Bao Animal Husbandry in Shanxi Province, Baoji 721000, China)
    3(Shandong Lorain Food Limited Company, Shandong Province, Junan 276615, China)
    4(LimitedLiability Company of Heng Du Agricultural in Chongqing, Chongqing 408200,China)

Received date: 2018-02-02

  Online published: 2018-12-25


For the use of increasing by-products of cattle and providing a theoretical basis for the research and development of cured beef tongue products, the optimal parameters of pickled formula, pickled technology and drying technology of beef tongue products were investigated by orthogonal experiment. The results indicated that the best formula and process of pickled and drying technology are 2.0% salt, 0.04% monascus red, 0.1% ginger sauce, 0.5% Sichuan pepper sauce, 0.9% Alpinia katsumadai sauce, 0.6% spiced sauce and 0.7% pepper sauce, respectively. Besides, the rolling time and curing time are 60 min and 60 h, respectively; the temperature, time and humidity in drying are 40 ℃,12d and 80%, respectively. The verification results indicated that the cured beef tongue products taste good and meets the requirements of GB 2730—2015.

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ZHU Dan-dan , HAN Ling , YU Qun-li , LI Wen-dong , CAO Hui , HAN Guang-xing , LI Hang . Development of a cured beef tongue product[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(11) : 273 -279 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017013


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