The sensory attributes of four commercial yogurts and four pasteurized yogurts were studied by using Flash Profile (FP) and quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). Using FP method, 17 sensory attributes were developed by 10 untrained panelists. Two to 11 sensory attributes were selected by each panelist to evaluate the samples individually. Using generalized procrustean analysis (GPA) and agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) analysis methods, the sensory properties of commercial yogurts was different from that of pasteurized yogurts and could be distinguished by FP method. In QDA method, 25 sensory attributes were built with six trained panelists. Based on the lexicon, the sensory characteristics and the differences of the yogurts were evaluated by ANOVA and principle component analysis (PCA). The results showed that five aroma attributes including sweet, acidic, fruit, milk and grainy, four flavor attributes including sour, sweet, milk and stimulate, and three taste/texture indicators including dispersion, adhesion and viscosity, play important roles in the evaluation of yogurt samples. Pasteurized yogurts were found to have prominent fruit (armor), butter (armor), sweet (armor), and viscosity. Frozen yogurts in dispersion, tooth decay, sour (flavor), acid (armor) and stimulate (flavor) are significant. Although QDA method was more comprehensive and precise, FP method produced similar results to discriminate the sensory attributes of yogurts and pasteurized yogurts. FP method is proved to be an simply, rapid and low-cost technique.
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