Palatability of potato engineering rice based on fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation

  • YUAN Peng ,
  • DUAN Shenglin ,
  • OUYANG Daofu ,
  • LIU Shiwei ,
  • LIU Yifeng ,
  • LIU Yaxu ,
  • DU Yulan ,
  • YU Qin ,
  • YAN Jiangang ,
  • WANG Xi
  • 1(China National Research Institute of Food & Fermentation Industries Corporation Limited, Beijing 100015, China)
    2(Perfect (China)Corporation Limited, Zhongshan 528402, China)

Online published: 2019-02-01


In order to establish a method to evaluate the palatability of potato engineering rice, indica rice, japonica rice, and potato engineering rice made by extrusion were designed as research objects. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and combination weighting method together with texture analyzer were used to evaluate the palatability of potato engineering rice. The results of combination weighting method showed that among smell, appearance, palatability, and taste of rice, palatability had the maximum weight with 0.279, while the appearance of the rice weighed the minimum with a value of 0.178, which was in line with people′s general perception about the quality of rice. By analysing the hardness, springiness, and chewiness of the rice, these indexes were normalized to be analysed by weight. According to the fuzzy mathematics evaluation to divide index set of evaluation and to establish membership functions. The evaluation index set and comments on the quality of rice could determine the level of target samples and the merits of the case.

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YUAN Peng , DUAN Shenglin , OUYANG Daofu , LIU Shiwei , LIU Yifeng , LIU Yaxu , DU Yulan , YU Qin , YAN Jiangang , WANG Xi . Palatability of potato engineering rice based on fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(1) : 88 -93 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016713


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