In order to study the physical and chemical properties as well as the infrared spectrum characteristics and the surface structure of yak meat obtained by different drying methods, five methods including: freeze-drying, cooked+constant temperature drying, cooked+microwave drying, microwave cooked+constant temperature drying, and microwave cooked+microwave drying, were carried out to find the most appropriate method. The results showed that the yield of dried beef obtained by microwave cooked and microwave drying was the highest, which was (45.97±1.54)%, with the lowest degree of proteolysis and Aw (0.797±0.056). Also, its color could be maintained to be as close as to that of fresh yak meat. In addition, results of FT-IR showed that the characteristic peaks of triacylglycerides changed after microwave cooked and dried yak meat compared to freeze dried yak meat, but the protein α-helix and β-sheet structure remained well. Furthermore, the surface of yak meat cooked and dried by microwave displayed a more compact structure based on scanning electron microscopic observations. This study laid a good foundation for preparing high quality and storable yak meat
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