In order to study the effects of storage temperature and duration on the volatility of corn, HS-SPME and GC-MS were used to detect the volatile flavor in corns stored at -4 ℃, -18 ℃, and -40 ℃ for 1, 2, 3 months. This provides a theoretical guidance for storing and preserving corn ears. This research showed that with prolonged storage time, the relative contents of hydrocarbons increased first and then decreased at -4 ℃ and -18 ℃. The quantities and relative contents of alcohols increased continuously, while the amounts of ketones decreased continuously. When the storage temperature was -18 ℃ and -40 ℃, the relative contents of aldehydes, acids, and esters decreased first and then increased. In addition, when the storage pericd was 1 month, the lower the storage temperature, the greater the quantities of hydrocarbons and ketones, but their relative contents were smaller. When the storage period was 3 months, the lower the storage temperature, the greater the relative contents of hydrocarbons, ketones, and esters, and the amounts and relative contents of aldehydes were smaller. Then, 63 major volatile compounds were selected for principal component analysis. The volatile compounds were mainly aldehydes, ketones, esters. Ethyl palmitate, decanal, 2,3-octanedione, 4-methylbenzophenone, octanal, phytan, dinonyl sebacate, isopropyl palmitate, diisobutyl phthalate, isopropyl myristate were the main volatile compounds of corn ears.
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