‘Saignée’ is an enological process which makes red wine more cohesive and rosé wine more refreshing. Aims: Over three harvest periods, we studied the influence of saignée treatment on color, contents of total phenols, total flavonoids, aromas compounds and antioxidant properties in Meili wine, to optimize the wine processing in different wines. Methods: Three proportions of saignee were set at 0%, 15%, and 30%, respectively. The grape juice was fermented by rose winemaking technique, while the remaining must by red winemaking technique. Results: In red wine with the increase of saignee ratio, the color of Meili red wine became deeper and showed ruby, in which the contents of total phenols, flavonoids and the property of antioxidant increased significantly with the highest levels of 830.41 mg/L, 149.46 mg/L, 1.53 mol/L Trolox(ABTS)and 0.64 mol/L(DPPH), respectively. The volatile compounds in red wine, including 3-methyl-butyl acetate, ethyl nonanoate and ethyl laurate, were significantly increased. In rose wine, the salmon-like lightness of Meili rose wine had enhanced as well. Meanwhile, the contents of phenethyl alcohol, ethyl heptanoate were higher than those of red wine, thus enhancing wine the fresh fruity aromas. Conclusion: saignée process could optimize the color, aroma intensity and antioxidant properties of red wine and boosts the lightness and freshness of the rose wine as well.
YANG Xuefeng
ZHAI Wanli
YUAN Yuxin
LIU Shuwen
. Effect of ‘saignée’ treatment on qualities of different kinds of Meili wine[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(2)
: 129
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017743
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